Tag: bluetooth low energy

Arduino Project

Reyax RYBG211_lite Bluetooth low energy module with Arduino.

Hello everyone, welcome to another post, In this article we will learn about Bluetooth Low Energy….in short BLE, and by using RYBG211_lite BLE module we will make a very interesting and useful home-automation project along with Arduino UNO and also I will test the range of this module.  In this home-automation project we can control […]

IOT Project

ESP32 Bluetooth Controlled 10Ch HomeAutomation System Using Android App.

We all know ESP32 comes with WIFI, Bluetooth Low Energy and Bluetooth Classic, In this Homeautomation project, we are going to use ESP32 Bluetooth classic feature to control our homeappliances . Components Requried 1.ESP32 Board. 2.Relay (5volt). 3.IN4007 Diode. 4.BC547 NPN Transistor. 5.Two pin Terminal Connector. 6.Power Break (5volt).  7.Coustom Designed PCB. Coustom Made PCB. Although […]

Arduino Project IOT Project

ESP32 Bluetooth HomeAutomation Using Android App and Manual Switches.

In this post , we are going to make Bluetooth and Manual control homeautomation system using ESP32. We all know ESP32 has inbuilt bluetooth , So  we  don’t need any separate bluetooth module for making of this project. In this project we are able to control our homeappliances via Android APP and also by regular […]

Arduino Project IOT Project

Internet, Bluetooth & Manual control homeautomation with realtime feedback using ESP32.

In this homeautomation system we can control our homeappliances via bluetooth , wifi and from manual switches,  if the esp32 is connected with the internet the onboard leds will turn on, then we can control our homeappliances with the blynk mobile application, and also from the manaul switches and we can also monitor the real time […]

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