Category: Arduino Project

Arduino Project IOT Project

ESP32 Bluetooth HomeAutomation Using Android App and Manual Switches.

In this post , we are going to make Bluetooth and Manual control homeautomation system using ESP32. We all know ESP32 has inbuilt bluetooth , So  we  don’t need any separate bluetooth module for making of this project. In this project we are able to control our homeappliances via Android APP and also by regular […]

Arduino Project IOT Project

DIY PCB for ESP8266 WiFi Module!

This article shows you, how to design and develop a programming shield for the ESP8266 WIFI module. If you remeber my video how to program esp8266 wifi module using arduino uno board. I had mentioned that pins of esp8266 is not bread-board friendly, there I have used jumper wires and bread-board for programming esp8266 wifi […]

Arduino Project

Arduino Temperature Data Logger with SD Card Module.

This article shows you how to create a temperature Arduino data logger. We’ll use the DHT11 to measure temperature, the real time clock (RTC) module to take time stamps and the SD card module to save the data on the SD card. Components Required. 1.Arduino Board. 2.SD Card Module. 3.DHT22 Temperature & Humidity Sensor. 4. DS […]

Arduino Project

Soil Moisture Sensor With Arduino

Components Required 1. Soil Moisture Sensor Module.  2.Arduino Board. (Nano,Uno,Mega Anyone) 4. 16×2 LCD Display. 5. Some Jumper Wires. 6. 10k Potentiometer. 7. Bread Board. Code Click here to download the code. #include <LiquidCrystal.h> const int rs = 7, en = 6, d4 = 5, d5 = 4, d6 = 3, d7 = 2; LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, […]

Arduino Project Review

Arduino Nano based Bluetooth & Manual Control Homeautomation System Using Android App.

In this post, we are going to make a Android app and Manual control homeautomation system using Arduino nano and HC-05 Bluetooth module. In this Homeautomation System, we are able to control our homeappliances by an android app through our smartphone and also we can control our devices through switches buttons, that we regularly use […]

Arduino Project

Arduino Nano Clock With Auto Brightness.

Everyone wanted a clock that shows time and date together So, In this project I’ll show you how you can build an arduino nano clock with adaptive brightness using RTC and a design PCB from PCBWay. Arduino Nano Clock Features. 1. Shows the date and time together. switches in three seconds. 2.Adaptive brightness, i.e this clock […]

Arduino Project IOT Project

Internet, Bluetooth & Manual control homeautomation with realtime feedback using ESP32.

In this homeautomation system we can control our homeappliances via bluetooth , wifi and from manual switches,  if the esp32 is connected with the internet the onboard leds will turn on, then we can control our homeappliances with the blynk mobile application, and also from the manaul switches and we can also monitor the real time […]

Arduino Project GSM Project

SMS and Manual Control HomeAutomation System with feedback using GSM Module & Arduino uno

Welcome to another POST, Now in this Tutorial we are going to build a project in which we control our home appliances by sending a text sms from our phone and not only by a text sms we also able to control manually by our regular switches as we always do. And apart from this we […]

Arduino Project GSM Project

Soldier Health And Position Tracking System Using Arduino,GSM Module and GPS Module.

The soldier Health and Position Tracking System allows military to track the current GPS position of soldier and also checks the health status including body temperature and heartbeats of soldier. The System also consists extra feature with the help of that soldier can ask for help manually or send a distress signal to military if […]

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