Introduction. I have design and Made Purple ESP32 and ESP32 with USB Type- C port….those boards were amazing, Now in this Article I am going to introduce my newly design brand new ESP32C3-MINI board. If we compare with the regular ESP32 Board with the size of this ESP32C3 MINI BOARD the size is almost half. Also […]
Bluetooth & Manual Control Home-Automation System with Realtime feedback.
Introduction. In this article I am going to make a very useful and very easy home-automation system. In this home-automation system we will control our home-appliances from the android app through Bluetooth and we can also control the appliances via manual switch buttons that we regularly do, Now You’re thinking we already make this project! […]
REYAX RYS8830 GNSS Module With Arduino Uno.
Introduction. Hello friends, Welcome to another article, In this article we will learn how to use world smallest GPS and GNSS Module. and the module is RYS8830, which is sent to me by REYAX technology. Whenever we make any project which required location, for example a tracking device , we often use NEO-6M GPS Module, […]
SMT 4 Node Smart HomeAutomation PCB.|ESP32
Hey hello friends welcome to another post, In this article, I am going to introduce my newly design fully SMT components used 4 channel remotely and manually controlled homeAutomation PCB. I have also made 8 channel SMT homeautomation PCB, TMT Components used homeautomation PCB. This homeautoamtion PCB is very small in size and compact which can […]
Bluetooth & Manual Controlled, 8 Node SMT Homeautomation PCB.
Hello friends, Welcome to another homeautoamtion project article, In this post we are going to make Android app bluetooth controlled homeautomation system. For making of this homeautomation system , I will use my 8 node SMT homeautomation pcb and coustom design android app. Best part of this project is that we don’t need any internet connection or any […]
Heart Rate & Spo2 Monitor System Using MAX30100 & NodeMCU ESP8266.
In this project we will build a device that can measure Blood Oxygen Concentration & Heart Rate using MAX30100 Pulse Oximeter & NodeMCU. The blood Oxygen Concentration termed as SpO2 is measured in Percentage and Heart Beat/Pulse Rate is measured in BPM. The MAX30100 is a Pulse Oximetry and heart rate monitor sensor solution.We will display the […]
8 NODE SMT Smart HomeAutomation PCB.
Hello friends, In this article I am going to introduce my newly design fully SMT components used homeautomation PCB,this is 8 node homeautoamtion pcb. Size of this PCB is very small due to SMT Components and it will easily fits inside your electrical switch board. This PCB has inbuilt OTA button, that is, you can […]
Soil Moisture Sensor With Arduino
Components Required 1. Soil Moisture Sensor Module. 2.Arduino Board. (Nano,Uno,Mega Anyone) 4. 16×2 LCD Display. 5. Some Jumper Wires. 6. 10k Potentiometer. 7. Bread Board. Code Click here to download the code. #include <LiquidCrystal.h> const int rs = 7, en = 6, d4 = 5, d5 = 4, d6 = 3, d7 = 2; LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, […]
Arduino Nano Clock With Auto Brightness.
Everyone wanted a clock that shows time and date together So, In this project I’ll show you how you can build an arduino nano clock with adaptive brightness using RTC and a design PCB from PCBWay. Arduino Nano Clock Features. 1. Shows the date and time together. switches in three seconds. 2.Adaptive brightness, i.e this clock […]